Reduce distractions
for greater focus
on learning
A new tool to help your
child with autism
and ADHD.
A new tool to help your child
with autism and ADHD.
What are Tunnel Vision Goggles?
When excessive information overwhelms the brain, stimming type behaviors distract your child, robbing them of much needed focus to learn, creating developmental delays. With Tunnel Vision Goggles, one of the world’s first patented, non-pharmaceutical, in-home solution, over 70% of visual distractions are eliminated, helping them to focus better on the task at hand. Coupled with our free app and easy-to-follow training, the power is in your hands to help them engage deeper with schoolwork and grow in their social skills on the playground.
See what Tunnel Vision can do
Download the FREE app with training course!
- Buy Tunnel Vision Goggles
- Download the FREE app
- Watch training videos
- See the growth!
Training course includes
- Getting your child comfortable
- Developing eye contact
- Staying on task
- Visual tracking
- Life skills: eating, brushing teeth
- Stay focused while watching TV
- Bedtime routine
- Cleaning up after oneself
- Putting on shoes & socks

How to use Tunnel Vision Goggles
- FOCUS: Getting used to wearing the goggles involves a few 10 minute sessions using the techniques found in the training course.
- LEARN: Once comfortable, start with simple tasks like puzzles and coloring. Use goggles in short sessions (totaling 60-120 minutes) each day.
- GROW: Continue following the training course. Eventually, the individual will learn to focus on their own, no longer requiring Tunnel Vision Goggles.

What the pros are saying
The Effects of Stimming In Child Development:
Stimming isn’t necessarily bad, as long as it doesn’t hurt the child. It CAN affect attention to the outside world, which can affect their ability to learn and communicate with others. If a child flicks their fingers near their eyes, they won’t be playing with toys, developing play skills. When older, if they’re absorbed in watching their hands in front of their eyes in the classroom, they’re not engaged with schoolwork. or pacing around the playground, they’re missing valuable social opportunities.
For the cost of a pair
of headphones, lives
can be changed
See it for yourself
Focus on the orange umbrella
in the middle. Kind of difficult?Â
Tunnel Vision Goggles get results
The year of lockdown has taught everyone that parents of loved ones with autism, and ADHD desperately need affordable, in-home solutions and proper support with real, substantial results.
“These are not like eye glasses that you have to wear forever. Tunnel Vision Goggles help them focus all on their own. Within an average of three months, THEY WON’T EVEN NEED to wear Tunnel Vision anymore!”
-Jerry Perez, Creator of Tunnel Vision Goggles

Hear from the parents
Who is it for?
Everyone has different abilities, diagnoses, and needs, but for children who have difficulty focusing, Tunnel Vision Goggles can benefit all ages. Early intervention is key and for best results we recommend starting between ages 2-15.
See how lives have changed
With Tunnel Vision...


learn to focus
on tasks

learn to

develop handwriting

better eye

ride a

enjoy a

social skills

grow job competencies

learn proper grooming techniques

reduce distractions

learn to focus on tasks

learn to swim

develop handwriting

make eye contact with others

ride a

enjoy a calm meal

strengthen social skills

grow job competencies

learn proper grooming techniques

many more!

only tool of its kind

100% drug-free solution

fully patented
#1 question asked:
What if my child doesn’t like anything on their head or face?
With just a few 10 minute sessions, and following along with the app, it will be as easy as steps 1,2,3. We’ve had 100% success rate using this method.
What if my child doesn’t like anything on their head or face? With just a few 10 minute sessions, and following along with the app, it will be as easy as steps 1,2,3. We’ve had 100% success rate using this method.
Will there ever be a time my child won’t need Tunnel Vision Goggles to focus? Yes, the goal is to help block out distraction allowing the individual to learn to focus all on their own, without the aid of Tunnel Vision Goggles. We have seen individuals take up to as little as three months to be at a point where they can follow directions, focus, and learn without wearing Tunnel Vision Goggles. The exact time will all depend on the individual.
Do I need to be a therapist to use Tunnel Vision Goggles? No. Anyone can learn how to use it through the Tunnel Vision Goggles training videos free on the app. We have developed this whole program to be an in-home solution so that Tunnel Vision can have no limits or boundaries to where and who can benefit from this amazing non-pharmaceutical solution. The community will also be a great resource for you, as we are in this together.